Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Mind and Heart

   I was born in the most crowded city in  Morocco. It's too crowded, but I love it because I grew up there. I rode my first bicycle there,and my first love is still there.
   I lived in the same house where I was born. My neighbours are like a second family for me. I was happy when I saw them and I was  happier to see them again.
   I feel extremely at ease in my city " CASABLANCA ".

Thursday, November 4, 2010

             In Mind and Heart

I was born in the crowded city of Morocco.It's too crowded,but I love it because I grew up there,I rode my first bicycle there,and my first love is still there.

I lived in the same house where I was born.My neihbours are like a second family for me.I was happy when I sow them and i was more happy to see them again.

I feel at ease in my city: Casablanca.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Walk or run
If you can;
But,don't turn back
Just go

Don't stop
Look for what's next
The past is the past

Walk or run
If you can
The past is only words
The future is a dream

Walk or run
If you can


Hamid Sabbar

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If I Had my Life to Live Over

If I had my life to live over
I would keep living at age five 

If I had my life to live over
I would have an angel's life

If I had my life to live over
I would ask many questions about life

If I had my life to live over
I would refuse all answers about life.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Influence Forever

   They are many people who influenced me when I was a kid. For example my teachers, my neigbours, my friends or family, but the  two people who have influenced me the most in my life and keep influencing me are my parents. I appreciate that for many reasons. First, they are polite and helpful because they lend a hand to all people without exception, young or old. Second, they have big hearts for us and they don't make difference between my brothers and me. That's true, they are the same people who had heart, but that's very exceptional. Third,they are the kind of people who always have time for their children, family and neighbours. I will love them forever.